At Mobills, we take privacy seriously.

Protecting your data is a commitment. We are always looking for new ways to keep your personal information safe. Here are some reasons to feel even more secure.

Privacy doesn't have to be complicated. Know the main concepts.

  • What is personal data?

    For the LGPD, personal data is all information related to the identified or identifiable natural person. MOBILLS will process your personal data in accordance with the way in which you interact with us and in accordance with the Mobills Products chosen and used by you. Different information and personal data are processed when you use our app or access our website. Want to know more? Access our Privacy Policy.

  • What is LDPR?

    LGPD is the acronym for General Personal Data Protection Law (Law nº 13.709/2018). This Law regulates the use of personal data throughout Brazilian territory, in order to protect fundamental rights such as freedom and privacy. It establishes, among other things, how companies must process personal data in the development of their activities and a series of rights for the holders of such data. We, at Mobills, are committed to your privacy and are attentive to all legal determinations and good practices on this topic. Do you have any doubt? Get in touch with us through the email